Last Edition
Aims and Scope
Midwest Verification Day(s) is an informal workshop for the Midwest region on hardware and software verification, with verification understood in a broad sense and encompassing formal methods in general.
The workshop, loosely modeled after similar, successful events like Midwest Theory Day and MidGraph, has the following purposes:
- provide an outlet for students and young researchers to present early stages of their research work in an informal and relaxed setting;
- share suggestions and ideas on one another's work, drafts, papers, and presentations;
- improve acceptance chances at high-quality publication venues;
- strengthen the formal methods and verification community in the Midwest.
The workshop has a steering committee but no program committee and no proceedings. Talks on work in progress and/or submitted/accepted elsewhere are welcome. Participation is open to anyone and there are no registration fees. Thus, anyone willing to give talk is encouraged to do so.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, deductive verification, model checking, static analysis, abstract interpretation, runtime verification, model-based testing, and security.
Financial Support
A number of student travel and accommodation grants are usually available thanks to support from various sponsors.
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